The Lund University Ethics Council works to increase understanding of the importance of an ethical approach to the University’s activities, stimulate discussion and debate on ethical issues, as well as promote the development of knowledge in the area of ethics.
Since the council was established in 2016, it has considered ethical aspects on a number of themes relating to the University’s activities: on education, research and external engagement. Certain themes became the subject of ethics seminars and some have generated pamphlets in the Ethics Council’s pamphlet series.
This issue in the pamphlet series presents five cases, which reflect the breadth of issues that the Ethics Council has discussed. The aim in presenting these five cases is to provide examples of the characteristic issues at the University, often everyday but difficult matters, in which ethical aspects can be applied, as well as to provide the council’s reflections.
The five cases presented are fictitious examples. They do, however, have certain connections to real events, but names and other circumstances have been rewritten and, in some cases, made up.
This pamphlet can be seen as a conclusion and a continuation. As of 1 January 2020, the council has a partially new composition and the pamphlet can in this light be considered to summarise the council’s first term of office and be used as a starting point for the next one.